Here is our finished products. Can you guess who's is who's?
Now it's time to enjoy the roasted pumpkin seeds!
welcome to my world.
Happy anniversary, my love. I can't believe it's been 5 years, but they've been the best 5 years of my life and I wouldn't change a thing. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be, and I'm so thankful for the amazing husband you are to me. I love you, Gregory Douglas.
This is the finished carved and crumb-frosted cake. We used chocolate graham crackers for the spoiler and chocolate donuts for the tires. We stuck toothpicks in a couple places to hold pieces together, but obviously just remember where you put them for when it's time to cut and eat the cake! There were a few spots that weren't as perfect as we would've liked them but we read somewhere that fondant is forgiving. As far as marshmallow fondant goes, this is not the case! If you see the three different pieces we used of graham crackers, we even had it draping in between the pieces and had to fill it with more fondant. The next step was to cover the cake with the fondant. We rolled the piece out on greased wax paper, and made sure the dimensions were as big as we needed them to be to cover the cake in one piece because it's virtually impossible to smooth two separate pieces together without being able to tell that's what you did. To cover the cake, it took us 8 different ways of starting before finding a successful way. It was a little nerve wracking because you only get one shot and the piece of fondant was so big it took 8 hands to get it on there! We had fondant rolled out on wax paper, then covered the top side with more greased wax paper. We slid it on a big cutting board, and started to wrap it under the cutting board, and peeled of the paper on top. We took that end, and started laying it on the cake, and slowly slid and unwrapped more fondant and layed it under the whole thing was covered. I hope that makes sense! Here it is right after we'd covered it. Please ignore my old lady-looking hands. In the picture, I'm trimming off the excess around the edges.
Decorating just consisted of dying white fondant a color and rolling it out and making whatever shape we wanted. To smooth out spots that needed it, we got our fingertips wet and just rubbed the spot until it almost melted the sugar and smoothed it.
8 hours later, here is the finished product!
If you have any questions because you'd like to try it yourself, I'd be more than happy to answer them!
Funny, twice in the last week I was told "you can't even tell you're pregnant!" I think these women need their eyes checked. Maybe it has something to do with cooler weather clothes though. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. But still, I heard that from them, and then the last two times I went shopping, two different cashiers asked me something about the pregnancy! My belly button shows through my shirt now so I know that's a giveaway too!
In other news, Hunter's birthday party is Sunday and I think mom is more excited than the birthday boy! Both sets of our parents are driving down for the party and I'm so excited that they will be here to share this special day with him. His cousin Andrew is also coming. I've been prepping him for this weekend all week and we told him who will be at the party. He smiles and brings up the Cars plates, cups, and napkins. Ahhh, the priorities of a 3 year old. ;) He does seem excited for them to come though, as much as he can be since I don't think he fully understands yet.
I've been getting the house ready all week for our guests and hope I can muster up a little more energy to push through and finish the cleaning. Can't wait for Friday!