Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday My Town Shootout - Power

Ok, so on the week where we have to go throughout our hometown and capture pictures of how we get power...I was homeless. This week was the week that we moved from Chicago to Phoenix. And the cheapest way to move your home is to drive it yourself! So, it was a longgg week, driving through Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, but I'll blog about that later. But, while driving across the country, I decided to take pictures of America's power. We saw so many different types of power and I'm excited to share them with you!

The power source we saw the most driving were wind turbines. I've never seen any aside from TV before this week, so it was awesome to see how big they are, and to see them at work!

We also drove passed a power plant and saw all the hundreds of power lines coming out of it to transport the energy.

This next one is a power line corridor that we drove through, which we drove through many. It took me like 5 tries through different corridors to get a cool picture of it. Here's my best one.
We saw the big machines that pump oil out of the ground too. (I don't know their technical term!)
So there are my pictures of America's power. I have yet to discover the power of my new town here in Goodyear AZ. :) Enjoy!


  1. I love your post, and I'm happy to hear that more wind farms are sprouting up! And it is complete synchonicity that you are moving to Goodyear - my father in law lives in Buckeye, and we love the wild animal park in Goodyear!

  2. Look at you go! All those power shots even as you travel. Hope you're settling in well. Be sure to post to the mods so they can update your new state! ;)

  3. I love those windmills. I wish we could put them up everywhere. We live on the bay and the wind blows all the time. We could probably supply power to half of the US - Calif could supply the other half and our energy problems would be solved.

    Nice post. Thanks for joining us. I will be able to visit more when cold weather arrives.

  4. Love the wind generators. I saw them on the crest of the mountains on Maui last year. It is good to see the country gradually going green. Great submission.

  5. God bless your new home and new life there.

    I haven't seen a windfarm except on tv either!

  6. hope you enjoy your new home. love all you different pics of power across the country. great post!

  7. I know what you mean - wind turbines are so overwhelming in size up close. Great shots.

  8. Congrats on being one of the picks of the week on our Friday shoot out.

    Love the Medieval photos you posted. We have one in Maryland and it is so much fun.

  9. That is a cool shot of the power lines - don't you just love trying to capture those kind of photos as you are zooming down the highway?! Friday Shoot Out will be a great way for you to get to know your new town - have fun!

  10. great take on power. I like posts that aren't always in your town (conveniently, since I'm often away from home and do the shootouts from wherever I happen to be). Happy new home!

  11. great shots of very powerful places!
