Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January Goals Recap and February Goals

January Goals Recap
*Study 5 days a week in 1 Corinthians. Once again, fail. But I did finish the book of 1 Corinthians.
*Make a weekly to-do list, and complete it! I found this printable yesterday, so I'm going to print a few out and give them a try this month. This was a success! I like this printable. I think I'll keep using it as long as it keeps working! I LOVE crossing things off a list, so it definitely helped me.
*Do at least one load of laundry 5 days out of the week. Success, but I actually upped this to 2 loads/day sometime last month. Even if I keep up with 1 load, I start to fall behind by the end of the week.
*Memorize at least 2 more verses, and still remember the last 6. Success! The new verses under my belt are Romans 10:13 and Romans 6:23. And because my mom is so totally awesome, she gifted me the "Fighter Verses" app for my phone. I added all my verses on there and can periodically quiz myself of my old verses, and it has pre-made quizzes for any new verses to help me learn them. I love it!
*Continue making all our breads. Success! I made a couple new recipes this month.
One of those were pita pockets using this recipe. They were good! And WAY cheaper than the package of 4 for $3.50 at the grocery store!
 Check out that pocket!
 They made some yummy chicken pitas for dinner one night!
 I also made Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Bread.

This thing was so good...we all loved it. It didn't even last 24 hours. I guess that's a good thing, but my goodness, it took like 6 hours to make and was gone so quickly!
I also made the cupcakes that we had on Kylee's birthday from scratch...but they were not good. I definitely need to try them again with a new recipe...and make sure I don't over-beat my batter. It'll take some practice, I'm sure.
*Stop over-eating! Well, I'd have to say that numbers don't lie...according to the doctor's records I gained 4 lbs in 2 I guess this is a total fail. But that happened the first 2 weeks of the month and since then I've been logging my calories again (like I did with Kylee's pregnancy.) I have another regular checkup on Friday and I think these numbers should be much better!
*Send out Kylee's birthday invites. Success! I do have 2 more to deliver, but those are being hand-delivered on Friday.
*Be consistent with Hunter's chore chart. Success! My little man earned over $5 this month! We have divvied up his earnings into Giving, Saving, and Spending envelopes and will be making a trip to Target soon so he can spend what's in his "Spending" envelope.
*Be consistent with Hunter brushing his teeth! Success! Most days I was good about having him brush his teeth when I brushed mine. Just need to continue the good habit!
*Read through Hypnobirthing. Well technically this is a fail, because I haven't finished it. But I'm more than halfway done and have been practicing the techniques in the book. I won't be doing HypnoBirthing to a T, but I'll definitely use a lot of the techniques in it during my labor. I've been using the relaxation techniques at night when I'm trying to sleep and they've actually been so successful that I've been able to get myself to sleep despite my RLS without the help of meds! I haven't needed a sleeping pill in about a week!
*Break Kylee of nursing at night. Success! I actually got right down to business with this one and did it in the beginning of the month. And actually, I weaned her completely. She is a big girl who is now a champ at sleeping through the night and is 100% on cow's milk. Momma was sad to wean, and I cried just like I did with Hunter, but I'll have another nurser soon enough. ;) This past month, (when my bladder cooperated) I had more uninterrupted sleep than I have in over a year! It's been totally awesome.

February Goals
My theme this month with most of my goals will be organization. I could have a baby next month (oh my goodness!) and I really need to get this house in order!
*Do at least 2 loads of laundry 5 days a week.
*Stop over-eating.
*Memorize 2 more verses, and still remember the last 8.
*Organize the kids' closets. In this house, we are blessed with a TON of closet space. The kids each have 2 closets in their rooms, Greg and I each have our own walk-in closets, I have two linen closets, and I even have an extra closet in my kitchen for stuff! The problem with this, however, is that I've kind of exploded behind each closet door. Since there's so much room, I just throw stuff in there and close the door. Since the older two kids will be sharing a room once baby boy is here, I want to go through all 4 of their closets and organize and consolidate.
*Organize my walk-in closet. I kind of exploded in there, too, with all my clothes...
*Organize this shelf:
As you can see, this shelf is in our bathroom. It's right next to my sink and it's where I keep all my makeup and stuff. But as you can also see, it's kind of a total mess. And I know Greg hates it. So I want it to be a little more aesthetically pleasing by February 31st.
*Throw a totally-awesome 1st birthday party for Ms. Kylee.
*Have an amazing time with Gregory on the couple's retreat with our church. I'm so excited for this! The last time we had time with just the two of us (for longer than just a dinner-date) was about a month before Hunter was born...over 4 years ago! I'd say a little getaway is LONGGGG overdue!


  1. Umm, excuse me miss, but there is no February 31st. You're lucky you're getting a 29th!

  2. LOL I was going to make a comment about the lack of a 31st this month but Kelly beat me to it. Instead, I will congratulate you on how well you did with your goals and cheer you on to victory with the set for this month. You can do it!!!!
