Wednesday, March 21, 2012

37 Weeks

I'm officially full term! Baby boy, you can come out now!!!

I don't want to sound like a whiny pregnant woman and complain, complain, complain like we all do in the last few weeks, but I'm so ready to be done. Yes, I'm in pain and can't sleep well. And yes, I'm uncomfortable. And yes, I'm sick of having to run to the bathroom every time I sneeze. But more than all of that, I just really want to meet him. I want to hold him and kiss him and tell him I love him. I'm so ready to see what he looks like and to get his siblings to meet him...and tell everyone his name!!

I'm trying to be patient and not complainy, but I'm just ready for my boy. :)

I'm to the point where people at church say things like, "wow, you're really getting far out there!" and "you're almost done, right?" Hopefully before long he'll be here. 

My house is still not ready for him, but I'm getting there. I did make some progress this week. Nesting this time means keeping the house neat, laundry done, and dishes out of the sink. And I have become crazy about sweeping my floor. While I know it could be done after every meal all the time, realistically, I don't do that. But this week I have been. I'm constantly sweeping my floor! And all his clothes are finally washed and ready to go! I just need to finish up with the random stuff like the carseat cover and swing cover and stuff. I also need to pack all of our bags. I hope to have that done by the end of this week. 

I was on my feet a lot on Saturday and had some cramping, so hopefully that means progress was made with dilation. We'll find out on Friday for sure at my next appointment. 

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