Monday, July 25, 2011

Mysterious Ways

I remember talking to my sister last week about this whole waiting situation.

I told her that I felt like once our answer came, it wasn't just going to be a phone call with a job offer.

I didn't know why, but I just felt like however it fell into place, it would come out of left field.

Boy did it ever.

Greg's hours have been cut drastically at his current job because of new management, and we knew that something had to change, whether that meant getting a second job here...or since we were so set on going to New Bern, possibly finding something else there.

All last week, we were very confused. For whatever reason, we felt like the phone call wasn't going to come, yet we had been so prepared to go to New Bern that we wondered if we were just supposed to go...with no job offer...but be in the right place in the right time for if/when it came.

Our prayer so many times last week was, "Lord, we want to do Your will...we just don't know what that is!!!"

So, Greg called the manager again on Thursday with all of that in mind, and left him a detailed message. He told him that he (Greg) needed to make a decision on what to do by Friday afternoon. He wanted to work for him, but he couldn't wait much longer and needed to look into something else if it wasn't going to work out with Volvo. He asked the manager to call him when he had time to talk.

Guess what?

The phone never rang.

So...Greg called our pastor in North Carolina. We'd heard of an opening at the New Bern Toyota dealership and knew the service manager goes to our NC church. For whatever reason, Greg felt led to make that phone call and see if there was anything there to look into.

Long story short, Greg got in touch with this guy and everything just fell into place.

All this weekend, just like that.

We got the OFFICIAL phone call this evening (about 10 minutes ago!) and we are officially employed by them.

And this offer is way more than we were even *hoping* for at Volvo...

God is SO good.

So, we move this Saturday, as in - 5 days from now!


But I'll be praising the Lord through it all!!!

Thank you so much everyone for your prayers!!


  1. I'm so glad! I was praying for you guys so much this weekend and I'm so glad everything worked out! Gods will is mysterious but so amazing once you figure out what He wants you to do. I'm so glad you'll be living where both your family and God want to live. It's so awesome when the two aline.

  2. That is awesome!! I'm so happy for you guys!
