Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Story of my (Adult) Life: Part Six

Read Part Five here.

Since then, God has spoken to us more and more through the waiting process.

Both Greg and I have grown SO much through having to wait.

I've written quite a few cryptic blogs in the past month or so about my faith being tested. This waiting for the job offer that He promised us is what this has all been about.

It is July 13th. We still don't have a job offer, but over the last two months, God has reassured us enough that we know we're moving to New Bern at the end of the month.

We've kept this quiet for a few different reasons, but one of the main ones is that when we tell people that God told us we're getting a job offer and we're so sure we even ended the lease to our house, they look at us like we're crazy.

The devil is pretty good by himself in getting us discouraged sometimes. It's even harder to stay positive when we get crazy looks from other people. ;)

I remember back in May, I wondered if I felt strong enough in God speaking that I should start saving newpapers for packing material...

Now I laugh at that. We have to be out of our house by the 31st of this month. I'm packing boxes, yet we still don't have a job offer.

But praise God, the Holy Spirit is constantly giving us His peace over this. We know what God said. We know we're moving.

Two months ago, I never would have imagined we'd have enough trust to be where we are, but God is good, and He is growing us so much through this.

Now the latest with the job offer...

Greg spoke with the manager on Friday.

The manager told Greg that he was actually planning on calling him early this week because he has another tech leaving soon, but he's just waiting for him to leave. So he said they would get together again on the phone this week.

Greg called him today but he's out of the office, so he plans to try again tomorrow.

God has many reasons for making us wait...some that He's revealed to us, and some for reasons we may never know.

But Deuteronomy 31:8 says:
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Thinking about how God has worked in our lives for the past few years even when we weren't asking Him to, it's clear that this is His will for us.

God has gone before us to New Bern and has been working behind the scenes and preparing everything for us to move there.

I know everything will work out.

He may like to work at 11:59, but He's still on time.

And people can think we're crazy. If there's one thing I want people to call me crazy for, it's my devotion to the Lord.

Prayers while we're still waiting are very appreciated! And don't worry, I will keep you updated! :)

Update: Read the conclusion here.


  1. I am so encouraged by your enthusiasm and confidence in a very tough situation! I think that God has very big plans for you in New Bern and I hope you are filled with excitement about moving to the place you want instead of worry from the unsteadiness of the situation. I am sure God will have it worked out in his timing and I am so happy you shared. I think it is far too easy to assume God's answers are not the truth but we are so lucky to serve a patient God who does not mind sending constant reminders. We are about to move as well and it is a process I am not fond of. I hope it goes smoothly for you and I will be praying!

  2. Your Pleasant Acres' family is waiting, too - and praying.
